Sun Lakes United Methodist Church
Get Involved
The Prayer Team
A group of people committed to lifting in prayer members and friends of the church in an intentional manner. These “prayer warriors” meet weekly with a pastor to pray over the most recent concerns as a group, then are given a list of people to pray for in the intervening week. Prayer request boxes are in the narthex and in Lindsay Hall and are gathered each week for use in the group meeting. The group usually meets on Tuesday mornings in the chapel.
Volunteer Opportunities
Here are a few areas where you could be involved: The Welcome Table Volunteers staff the Welcome Table each Sunday morning. Church guests are given a welcome packet containing relevant printed material about Sun Lakes UMC. Visitors are asked to sign the Welcome Book and to wear a name tag that they might be recognized and welcomed as visitors.
- First Impressions
- Worship Team
- Hospitality
Online Giving
Sun Lakes United Methodist Church allows you to donate online using either a major credit card or PayPal. Online Giving is a convenient, secure online system for contributions via PayPal. All information is encrypted and secure.
Stephen Ministry
The Stephen Ministry program is a part of the body of Christ who care, encourage, listen, share, and pray for you. Whether you are struggling with grief, long-term care, hospitalization, divorce, interpersonal relationships, discouraged, wrestling with faith and trust, or you need mentoring to maintain freedom in Christ a Stephen Minister is there for you to attend to the care-giving process and leave the results to God.
GriefShare is a nationally known program that offers help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. Meeting weekly for 13 weeks and comprised of 3 elements:
- A video seminar providing encouragement and information from leading grief recovery experts.
- A support group that centers on the video content, and a workbook for journaling and personal exercises between sessions.
- A few of the 13 topics covered include:
- Is what I am feeling normal?
- The challenges of grief.
- Why?
- Stuck in my grief.
The classes meet on Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-3:00 pm in the education building. One series is in the fall, the second in late winter and spring. As noted by one participant: “This program gives you hope and helps you cope with everything you are feeling.”
Sunshine Friends
The Sunshine Friends provide a valuable service to the members and people who attend the church. They provide an intimate Christian setting for a memorial service reception or luncheon, birthday, wedding, or anniversary celebrations at a reasonable cost. They work with you to provide a very personalized day of remembrance and will help to coordinate or assist with food for the occasion