Sun Lakes United Methodist Church
Sweet Life Café
Meeting each Thursday for fellowship and education, Sweet Life Café spends time studying various topics such as angels, foods of the Bible, and world-wide religions. The Café is a great place to meet new people, increase your knowledge, and discuss different perspectives. Previous classes have studied Advent, Lent, prayer, and grace.
Quarterly Bible Studies
Each quarter Sun Lakes United Methodist Church offers several six to eight-week courses in adult Christian education to aid in understanding the Bible, ancient church history, and the Christian faith. Recent offerings have included introductions to the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, the Bible Canon, as well as the books of Revelation, James, and the Psalms. Alpha, a gentle introduction to Christianity, allows individuals the opportunity to explore the Christian faith, asking questions, and sharing points of view.
Tuesday Nights Together
Tuesday Nights Together (TNT), is a series of free summer programs conducted once a month on a Tuesday evening. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. Topics vary from light and entertaining, to more serious and informing. Past programs have included: Singing and Musical Performances, Genetics for Genealogy and Forensics, the Power of Laughter, Service Memoirs from our local veterans, Body and Mind Improvement, and NASA’s 50-year commemoration of the moonwalk. Each Tuesday event is held at 6:30 PM in Lindsay Hall, at the church, last about an hour and reservations are not required.
Adult Sunday School
The Adult Sunday School Class welcomes everyone! The class meets on Sundays after the worship service, in Room 1 of the Education Building. Each lesson is based on a theme and centered around scripture. The class is open and honest, and everyone may express their thoughts and ideas. There are four presenters who take turns teaching the lesson from an interesting and informative perspective.
Online Giving
Sun Lakes United Methodist Church allows you to donate online using either a major credit card or PayPal. Online Giving is a convenient, secure online system for contributions via PayPal. All information is encrypted and secure.