Sun Lakes United Methodist Church


Strength and Balance

Each Monday and Wednesday at 10:15 am, the strength and balance class will increase your flexibility, muscular strength, and general fitness using weights, bands, and balls. It can also help to reduce your chance of falling or bumping into things and causing injury. Ila Mackerman keeps your exercising which also helps to improve coordination, leg strength, and mobility. Cost: $2 per class.


Hatha Yoga is offered on Thursdays at 9:00 am from November 1 – May 1. It is a 1.5-hour class involving stretching and strengthening moves and poses. Hatha yoga concentrates on breathing, stretching and relaxation exercises. Class starts with a stretching warm-up and continues with deep breathing exercise, standing poses, and poses on a yoga mat, finishing with a relaxation and meditation period at the end of class. Geared toward the 55+ population it can be enjoyed by beginners as well as more experienced students. It does require the ability to get up and down from the floor (a chair can be used as a prop to aid you in doing this if necessary). Led by Becky Paschal-Snyder, cost $2 per class.

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